Edcast Connectors

EdCast provides standard connectors to import data from external systems. These connectors consume CSV files or APIs from the source systems & import content / completion / user data into EdCast
With the EdCast connectors, the customer can get quickly started with data import without requiring any coding or significant set-up. Most of the connectors require credentials to be generated on the source system & the same need to be configured in the EdCast connector.

Common Source Configurations


Display Name

When a customer configures a connector, it creates a source. During aggregated search, the source display name is listed in the left side panel as "Content Source"
The Display name is configured during the creation / updation of the source



Edcast connectors consume the content language from the source. During a search operation, the language filter is displayed on the left side panel

The language dropdown is used to set the default language of the content if the language is unavailable from the data source.



The Language dropdown is NOT a filter for the connector to fetch content of only the selected language


The content provider's logo can is displayed on the card. This logo should be set on the source during creation / updation.
Recommended Dimensions : width 180px height 100px with minimal padding




  1. On update, it may take up to 24 hours for the changes to reflect
  2. The logo is displayed on the card only if the Hide Provider setting is turned off (Admin > Settings > Team > Hide Provider)



If the source is to be displayed as a Featured Provider on the Discover Tab, it is required to upload a Banner which will be displayed as under on the provider's page
Recommended Dimensions : width 1018px height 160px


Shared to Groups

All the content fetched from the source can all be automatically be shared to upto 5 groups

Restricted Groups

All the content fetched from the source can all be automatically be restricted to upto 5 groups



  1. If there are one or more groups listed in the restricted to option, all the cards will be private & will be discoverable only for users who are members of these group(s)
  2. If Shared to Groups & Restricted To Groups both are to be used, the Groups listed in the Shared To Groups should be a subset of those in the Restricted Groups
  3. The Groups in the Restricted & Shared list are to be configured at the time of source creation. If they are updated , the changes apply only for the content created after the change

Mark As Completed

Edcast supports import of completions via xAPI / LMS API / SFTP CSV. For such sources it is recommended to switch off the Mark As Completed option

If it is not possible to get the completions, the users are allowed to manually mark the content as completed. For such sources it is recommended to switch off the Mark As Completed option

Featured Provider

To enable the source as a Featured Provider, use the toggle in front of the source after it has been created

Once enabled, the source will be listed under the Featured Sources

Enable / Disable source

When a source is disabled, the search results do not contain records from the disabled source.
To disable the source, click the "Activated" link in front of the source

To enable the source, click the "Deactivated" link in front of the source

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