EdGraph Export

Authentication and Configuration Details

Authentication and Configuration details will be provided by EdCast support team which should be utilized as parameters in the utility.

Configuration NameDescription
client_idDOMO Client ID to connect to api.domo.com to get the OAuth access token.

Contact EdCast support for this value.
secretDOMO Client ID to connect to api.domo.com to get the OAuth access token.
Contact EdCast support for this value.
API URIMethodDescription
/oauth/token? grant_type=client_credentials scope=dataGETThis API connects to backend using the client_id and secret in Basic Auth and retrieves the Access Token.
/v1/datasets/<data_set_id>GETThis API uses the access token from the token API and gets schema of the datasets
/v1/datasets/query/execute/<data_set_id>POSTThis API uses the access token from the token API and sends the SQL compliant query to retrieve the data from backend.

Sample Query

SELECT * FROM table where time > ADDDATE(CURDATE(), interval -1 day) This query gets the data from the given dataset ID for the past one day in JSON format.

Sample postman collection with template environment file is located @

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