Event/Fact Datasets

EdData Data Sets

  • user_card_performance_reporting_i_v
  • group_performance_reporting_i_v
  • channel_performance_reporting_i_v
  • group_assignments_performance_i_v
  • user_assignments_performance_i_v
  • searches_fact_i_v

Users and Content


User and content activity data based on user’s interactions on platform cards tracked as events (all events starting with card_) and each event capturing the following attributes.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
event_time Timestamp Time the event occurred in UTC
card_id INT Unique identifier of the card
team_id INT Unique identifier of the group
team_name STRING Name of the group
card_created_at Timestamp Time the card created in UTC
card_source_name String Source of the card. Example: USG (User Generated), Go1 etc
user_handle String Unique handle of the user
shared_to_user_handle String This field is populated for shared_to_cards or shared_to_group events
group_user_handle String Unique handle of the user. This fields gets populated for group related events
card_author_handle String Unique handle of the card author. This fields gets populated for card related events
followed_user_handle String Unique handle of the followed user. Populated for user_followed event.
follower_user_handle String Unique handle of the following user. Populated for user_following event.
card_author_id INT Unique identifier of the card author
event String Name of the event
user_id INT Unique identifier of the user
platform String Platform from where the event generated - web or mobile
shared_to_user_id INT Unique identifier of the shared user
group_user_id INT Unique identifier of the group user
is_user_generated INT Card creation mode
comment_id INT Unique identifier of the comment
follower_id INT Unique identifier of the followed user
followed_user_id INT Unique identifier of the follower
channel_id INT Unique identifier of the channel
title String Title of the card
card_message String Message of the card
card_type String Type of card - Media, Journey, Pathway etc
card_level String Card level
card_state String Card State
duration String Duration mentioned in the card in hours and minutes
user_first_name String First name of the user
user_name String Unique handle for the user
user_last_name String Last name of the user
user_organization_role String User role - admin or member
shared_to_user_organization_role String Role of the shared to user - admin or member
group_user_organization_role String Role of the group user - admin or member
card_author_organization_role String Role of the card author - admin or member
followed_user_organization_role String Role of the followed user - admin or member
follower_user_organization_role String Role of the follower user - admin or member
user_email String Email of the user
user_last_sign_in_at String Last sign in time of the user
card_author_first_name String First name of the card author
card_author_last_name String Last name of the card author
card_author_email String Email of the card author
followed_user_first_name String First name of the followed user
followed_user_last_name String Last name of the followed user
followed_user_email String Email of the followed user
follower_user_first_name String First name of the follower user
follower_user_last_name String Last name of the follower user
follower_user_email String Email of the follower user
shared_to_user_first_name String First name of the shared to user
shared_to_user_last_name String Last name of the shared to user
shared_to_user_email String Email of the shared to user
group_user_first_name String First name of the group user
group_user_last_name String Last name of the group user
group_user_email String Email of the group user
comment_message String Comment message given by the user
comment_type String Type of the comment
channel_label String Channel label given by the user
channel_is_private boolean Flag to identify whether the channel is private or public
channel_visible boolean Flag to identify whether the channel is visible or invisible
channel_description String Channel description given by the user
yr String Event time year :Ex: 2020
month String Event time month. Ex: 03
day String Event time day. Ex: 2020-03-03
time timestamp
assigned_to_user_id INT
assigned_to_user_first_name String
assigned_to_user_last_name String
assigned_to_user_email String
assigned_to_user_handle String
assigned_to_user_organization_role String
collaborator_id INT
collaborator_user_first_name String
collaborator_user_last_name String
collaborator_user_email String
collaborator_user_handle String
collaborator_user_organization_role String
channel_follower_id INT
channel_follower_user_first_name String
channel_follower_user_last_name String
channel_follower_user_email String
channel_follower_user_handle String
channel_follower_user_organization_role String
curator_id INT
curator_user_first_name String
curator_user_last_name String
curator_user_email String
curator_user_handle String
curator_user_organization_role String
standard_type String
org_id_s INT
org_id INT
topic_id String
topic_label String
topic_name String
pathway_id String
pathway_name String
journey_id String
journey_name String
poll_option_id INT
poll_option_label String
quiz_option_id String
quiz_option_label String
is_correct String
card_subtype String
card_resource_url String
ecl_id String
is_card_promoted String
is_live_stream String
card_duration INT Duration mentioned in the card in seconds
attributes String
user_agent String
user_exclude_from_leaderboard Boolean
user_created_at Timestamp
user_status String
user_sign_in_count INT
card_deleted_at Timestamp
card_is_paid Boolean
card_is_public Boolean
created_user_id INT
suspended_user_id INT
badge_id String
badge_type String
badge_title String
completion_type String
conferencing_tool String
grade_range String
grader_type String
grading_system String
last_registration_date Timestamp
project_card_submission String
project_card_submission_id String
referer String
registration_limit INT
registration_type String
request_id String
submitter_type String
training_registration_id String
training_registration_state String
quiz_attempt_id String
quiz_attempt_passed String
quiz_id String
quiz_option_is_correct String
quiz_passing_criteria String
quiz_question_attempt_id String
quiz_question_attempt_passed String
quiz_question_id String
quiz_question_label String
quiz_questions_passed_count String
quiz_reanswerable String
is_system_generated String
time_zone String
start_date Timestamp
end_date Timestamp
card_hidden Boolean
readable_card_type INT
card_slug String
event_recorder String
is_admin_request String
onboarding_status String
org_hostname String
platform_version_number String
sign_in_ip String
user_org_uid String
user_role String
domain_id String
domain_label String
domain_name String
member_user_id INT
controller_action String
visited_profile_user_id String
upload_mode String
user_onboarding_current_step String
user_onboarding_id String
user_onboarding_status String
average_rating Float
card_bookmark_id String
is_channel_featured String
is_channel_public String
org_name String
changed_column String
new_val String
old_val String
analytics_version String
scorm_attempts String
scorm_course_id String
scorm_registration_completion String
scorm_registration_success String
scorm_score Float
scorm_total_seconds_tracked Float
scorm_user_id INT
skill_id String
skill_name String
job_family String
job_role String
skill_category String
skill_level_rated String
occupation_id String
occupation_name String
occupation_category String
is_channel_curated String
is_ecl_enabled String
edited_user_id INT
is_open_source_content String
external_id String
channel_card_user_id String
ecl_source_id String
card_rating INT
skill_credential String
skill_level String
manager_user_id INT
removed_role String
added_role String
skill_description String
channel_carousel_creator_id INT
is_channel_carousel_enabled String
channel_carousel_display_name String
channel_carousel_id INT
channel_carousel_slug String
impersonator_id String
minute INT
deleted_user_id INT
time_string String
hour String
group_user_role String
record_insert_time String
course_event_id String
course_event_language String
course_event_location String
course_event_start_date Timestamp
course_event_end_date Timestamp
course_event_timezone String
assignment_due_at String
job_role_id String
project_submission_handle String
project_submission_url String
result_id String
card_taxonomy_name String
card_language_id String
contributor_id String
submissions_count String
project_submission_key String
restrict_id String
course_id String
custom_field_id String
career_advisor_card_id String



Group activities data based on group events (starting with group_) triggered by users, cards, or system.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
event_time Timestamp Time the event occurred in UTC
card_id INT Unique identifier of the card
team_id INT Unique identifier of the group
team_name String Name of the group
card_created_at Timestamp Time the card created in UTC
card_source_name String Source of the card. Example: USG (User Generated), Go1 etc
user_handle String Unique handle of the user
shared_to_user_handle String This field is populated for shared_to_cards or shared_to_group events
group_user_handle String Unique handle of the user. This fields gets populated for group related events
card_author_handle String Unique handle of the card author. This fields gets populated for card related events
followed_user_handle String Unique handle of the followed user. Populated for user_followed event
follower_user_handle String Unique handle of the following user. Populated for user_following event
card_author_id INT Unique identifier of the card author
event String Name of the event
user_id INT Unique identifier of the user
platform String Platform from where the event generated - web or mobile
shared_to_user_id INT Unique identifier of the shared user
group_user_id INT Unique identifier of the group user
is_user_generated INT Card creation mode
comment_id INT Unique identifier of the comment
follower_id INT Unique identifier of the followed user
followed_user_id INT Unique identifier of the follower
channel_id INT Unique identifier of the channel
title String Title of the card
card_message String Message of the card
card_type String Type of card - Media, Journey, Pathway etc
card_level String Card level
card_state String Card State
duration String Duration mentioned in the card in hours and minutes
user_first_name String First name of the user
user_name String Unique handle for the user
user_last_name String Last name of the user
user_organization_role String User role - admin or member
shared_to_user_organization_role String Role of the shared to user - admin or member
group_user_organization_role String Role of the group user - admin or member
card_author_organization_role String Role of the card author - admin or member
followed_user_organization_role String Role of the followed user - admin or member
follower_user_organization_role String Role of the follower user - admin or member
user_email String Email of the user
user_last_sign_in_at String Last sign in time of the user
card_author_first_name String First name of the card author
card_author_last_name String Last name of the card author
card_author_email String Email of the card author
followed_user_first_name String First name of the followed user
followed_user_last_name String Last name of the followed user
followed_user_email String Email of the followed user
follower_user_first_name String First name of the follower user
follower_user_last_name String Last name of the follower user
follower_user_email String Email of the follower user
shared_to_user_first_name String First name of the shared to user
shared_to_user_last_name String Last name of the shared to user
shared_to_user_email String Email of the shared to user
group_user_first_name String First name of the group user
group_user_last_name String Last name of the group user
group_user_email String Email of the group user
comment_message String Comment message given by the user
comment_type String Type of the comment
channel_label String Channel label given by the user
channel_is_private boolean Flag to identify whether the channel is private or public
channel_visible boolean Flag to identify whether the channel is visible or invisible
channel_description String Channel description given by the user
yr String Event time year :Ex: 2020
month String Event time month. Ex: 03
day String Event time day. Ex: 2020-03-03
time Timestamp
assigned_to_user_id INT
assigned_to_user_first_name String
assigned_to_user_last_name String
assigned_to_user_email String
assigned_to_user_handle String
assigned_to_user_organization_role String
event_team_id INT
group_user_role String
team_name String
comment_message String
channel_label String
channel_is_private Boolean
channel_visible Boolean
channel_description String
org_id_s INT
org_id INT
record_insert_time String
topic_id String
topic_label String
topic_name String
pathway_id String
pathway_name String
journey_id String
journey_name String
poll_option_id INT
poll_option_label String
quiz_option_id String
quiz_option_label String
is_correct String
user_agent String
completion_type String
conferencing_tool String
grade_range String
grader_type String
grading_system String
last_registration_date Timestamp
project_card_submission String
project_card_submission_id String
referer String
registration_limit INT
registration_type String
request_id String
submitter_type String
training_registration_id String
training_registration_state String
quiz_attempt_id String
quiz_attempt_passed String
quiz_id String
quiz_option_is_correct String
quiz_passing_criteria String
quiz_question_attempt_id String
quiz_question_attempt_passed String
quiz_question_id String
quiz_question_label String
quiz_questions_passed_count String
quiz_reanswerable String
is_system_generated String
time_zone String
start_date Timestamp
end_date Timestamp
card_hidden Boolean
readable_card_type INT
card_slug String
event_recorder String
is_admin_request String
onboarding_status String
org_hostname String
platform_version_number String
sign_in_ip String
user_org_uid String
user_role String
domain_id String
domain_label String
domain_name String
member_user_id INT
controller_action String
visited_profile_user_id String
upload_mode String
user_onboarding_current_step String
user_onboarding_id String
user_onboarding_status String
average_rating Float
card_bookmark_id String
is_channel_featured String
is_channel_public String
org_name String
changed_column String
new_val String
old_val String
analytics_version String
scorm_attempts String
scorm_course_id String
scorm_registration_completion String
scorm_registration_success String
scorm_score Float
scorm_total_seconds_tracked Float
scorm_user_id INT
skill_id String
skill_name String
job_family String
job_role String
skill_category String
skill_level_rated String
occupation_id String
occupation_name String
occupation_category String
attributes String
badge_id String
badge_type String
badge_title String
card_deleted_at Timestamp
card_duration INT Duration mentioned in the card in seconds
card_is_paid Boolean
card_is_public Boolean
card_subtype String
card_resource_url String
channel_follower_id INT
channel_follower_user_first_name String
channel_follower_user_last_name String
channel_follower_user_email String
channel_follower_user_handle String
channel_follower_user_organization_role String
collaborator_id INT
collaborator_user_first_name String
collaborator_user_last_name String
collaborator_user_email String
collaborator_user_handle String
collaborator_user_organization_role String
created_user_id INT
curator_id INT
curator_user_first_name String
curator_user_last_name String
curator_user_email String
curator_user_handle String
curator_user_organization_role String
ecl_id String
is_card_promoted String
is_live_stream String
suspended_user_id INT
user_exclude_from_leaderboard Boolean
user_created_at Timestamp
user_status String
user_sign_in_count INT
is_channel_curated String
is_ecl_enabled String
edited_user_id INT
is_open_source_content String
external_id String Unique external id of card
channel_card_user_id String
ecl_source_id String
card_rating INT
skill_credential String
skill_level String
manager_user_id INT
removed_role String
added_role String
skill_description String
channel_carousel_creator_id INT
is_channel_carousel_enabled String
channel_carousel_display_name String
channel_carousel_id INT
channel_carousel_slug String
impersonator_id String
minute INT
deleted_user_id INT
time_string String
hour String

Assignments (Users)


Assignment data based on card assignment events related to individual assignments triggered by users or system (external LMS)

Attribute Name Data Type Description
card_id INT Unique identifier of the card
title String Title of the card
card_source_name String Source of the card. Example: USG (User Generated), Go1 etc
duration String Duration mentioned in the card in hours and minutes
card_type String Type of card - Media, Journey, Pathway etc
card_level String Card level
card_author_name String Full name of the card author
assignor_name String Full name of the assignor
assignor_id INT Unique identifier of the assignor
assigned_user_id INT Unique identifier of the assigned user
assigned_user_full_name String Assigned user full name
assigned_user_handle String Assigned user handle
assignor_handle String Assignor handle
assignment_state String Assignment state - Pending / Inprogress / Completed
time_assignment_started Timestamp Assignment start time
time_completed Timestamp Assignment completion time
assignment_due_date Timestamp Assignment due date
time_assignment_created Timestamp Assignment creation time
yr String Event time year :Ex: 2020
month String Event time month. Ex: 03
day String Event time day. Ex: 2020-03-03

Assignments (Groups)


Assignment data based on card assignment events related to group assignments triggered by users or system (external LMS)

Attribute Name Data Type Description
event_time Timestamp Time the event occurred in UTC
card_id INT Unique identifier of the card
card_source_name String Source of the card. Example: USG (User Generated), Go1 etc
title String Title of the card
card_type String Type of card - Media, Journey, Pathway etc
card_level String Card level
card_author_full_name String Full name of the card author
assignor_name String Name of the assignor
assignor_id INT Unique identifier of the assignor
group_id INT Unique identifier of the group
team_name String Name of the group given by the user
assigned_user_id INT Unique identifier of the assigned user
assigned_user_full_name String Assigned user full name
assigned_user_handle String Assigned user handle
assignor_handle String Assignor’s handle
assignment_state String Assignment state - Pending/Inprogress/Completed
time_assignment_started Timestamp Assignment start time
time_completed Timestamp Assignment completion time
assignment_due_date Timestamp Assignment due date
time_assignment_created Timestamp Assignment creation time
yr String Event time year :Ex: 2020
month String Event time month. Ex: 03
day String Event time day. Ex: 2020-03-03



Channels activities data based on channel events (starting with channel_) triggered by users, cards, or system

Attribute Name Data Type Description
event_time Timestamp Time the event occurred in UTC
channel_id INT Unique identifier of the Channel
card_id INT Unique identifier of the card
card_created_at Timestamp Time the card created in UTC
card_source_name String Source of the card. Example: USG (User Generated), Go1 etc
user_handle String Unique handle of the user
shared_to_user_handle String This field is populated for shared_to_cards or shared_to_group events
group_user_handle String Unique handle of the user. This fields gets populated for group related events
card_author_handle String Unique handle of the card author. This fields gets populated for card related events
followed_user_handle String Unique handle of the followed user. Populated for user_followed event
follower_user_handle String Unique handle of the following user. Populated for user_following event
card_author_id INT Unique identifier of the card author
event String Name of the event
user_id INT Unique identifier of the user
platform String Platform from where the event generated - web or mobile
shared_to_user_id INT Unique identifier of the shared user
team_id INT Unique identifier of the group
group_user_id INT Unique identifier of the group user
is_user_generated INT Card creation mode
comment_id INT Unique identifier of the comment
follower_id INT Unique identifier of the followed user
followed_user_id INT Unique identifier of the follower
channel_id INT Unique identifier of the channel
title String Title of the card
card_message String Message of the card
card_type String Type of card - Media, Journey, Pathway etc
card_level String Card level
card_state String Card State
duration String Duration mentioned in the card in hours and minutes
user_first_name String First name of the user
user_name String Unique handle for the user
user_last_name String Last name of the user
user_organization_role String User role - admin or member
shared_to_user_organization_role String Role of the shared to user - admin or member
group_user_organization_role String Role of the group user - admin or member
card_author_organization_role String Role of the card author - admin or member
followed_user_organization_role String Role of the followed user - admin or member
follower_user_organization_role String Role of the follower user - admin or member
user_email String Email of the user
user_last_sign_in_at String Last sign in time of the user
card_author_first_name String First name of the card author
card_author_last_name String Last name of the card author
card_author_email String Email of the card author
followed_user_first_name String First name of the followed user
followed_user_last_name String Last name of the followed user
followed_user_email String Email of the followed user
follower_user_first_name String First name of the follower user
follower_user_last_name String Last name of the follower user
follower_user_email String Email of the follower user
shared_to_user_first_name String First name of the shared to user
shared_to_user_last_name String Last name of the shared to user
shared_to_user_email String Email of the shared to user
comment_message String Comment message given by the user
comment_type String Type of the comment
channel_label String Channel label given by the user
channel_is_private boolean Flag to identify whether the channel is private or public
channel_visible boolean Flag to identify whether the channel is visible or invisible
channel_description String Channel description given by the user
yr String Event time year :Ex: 2020
month String Event time month. Ex: 03
day String Event time day. Ex: 2020-03-03
time String
assigned_to_user_id INT
assigned_to_user_first_name String
assigned_to_user_last_name String
assigned_to_user_email String
assigned_to_user_handle String
assigned_to_user_organization_role String
collaborator_id INT
collaborator_user_first_name String
collaborator_user_last_name String
collaborator_user_email String
collaborator_user_handle String
collaborator_user_organization_role String
channel_follower_id INT
channel_follower_user_first_name String
channel_follower_user_last_name String
channel_follower_user_email String
channel_follower_user_handle String
channel_follower_user_organization_role String
curator_id INT
curator_user_first_name String
curator_user_last_name String
curator_user_email String
curator_user_handle String
curator_user_organization_role String
event_channel_id INT
standard_type String
group_user_first_name String
group_user_last_name String
group_user_email String
team_name String
org_id_s INT
org_id INT
record_insert_time String
topic_id String
topic_label String
topic_name String
pathway_id String
pathway_name String
journey_id String
journey_name String
poll_option_id INT
poll_option_label String
quiz_option_id String
quiz_option_label String
is_correct String
user_agent String
is_channel_curated String
is_ecl_enabled String
completion_type String
conferencing_tool String
grade_range String
grader_type String
grading_system String
last_registration_date Timestamp
project_card_submission String
project_card_submission_id String
referer String
registration_limit INT
registration_type String
request_id String
submitter_type String
training_registration_id String
training_registration_state String
quiz_attempt_id String
quiz_attempt_passed String
quiz_id String
quiz_option_is_correct String
quiz_passing_criteria String
quiz_question_attempt_id String
quiz_question_attempt_passed String
quiz_question_id String
quiz_question_label String
quiz_questions_passed_count String
quiz_reanswerable String
is_system_generated String
time_zone String
start_date Timestamp
end_date Timestamp
card_hidden Boolean
readable_card_type INT
card_slug String
event_recorder String
is_admin_request String
onboarding_status String
org_hostname String
platform_version_number String
sign_in_ip String
user_org_uid String
user_role String
domain_id String
domain_label String
domain_name String
member_user_id INT
controller_action String
visited_profile_user_id String
upload_mode String
user_onboarding_current_step String
user_onboarding_id String
user_onboarding_status String
average_rating Float
card_bookmark_id String
is_channel_featured String
is_channel_public String
org_name String
changed_column String
new_val String
old_val String
analytics_version String
scorm_attempts String
scorm_course_id String
scorm_registration_completion String
scorm_registration_success String
scorm_score Float
scorm_total_seconds_tracked Float
scorm_user_id INT
skill_id String
skill_name String
job_family String
job_role String
skill_category String
skill_level_rated String
occupation_id String
occupation_name String
occupation_category String
attributes String
badge_id String
badge_type String
badge_title String
card_deleted_at Timestamp
card_duration INT Duration mentioned in the card in seconds
card_is_paid Boolean
card_is_public Boolean
card_subtype String
card_resource_url String
created_user_id INT
ecl_id String
group_user_role String
is_card_promoted String
is_live_stream String
suspended_user_id INT
user_exclude_from_leaderboard Boolean
user_created_at Timestamp
user_status String
user_sign_in_count INT
edited_user_id INT
is_open_source_content String
external_id String
channel_card_user_id String
ecl_source_id String
card_rating INT
skill_credential String
skill_level String
manager_user_id INT
removed_role String
added_role String
skill_description String
channel_carousel_creator_id INT
is_channel_carousel_enabled String
channel_carousel_display_name String
channel_carousel_id INT
channel_carousel_slug String
impersonator_id String
minute INT
deleted_user_id INT
time_string String
hour String



Search activities

Attribute Name Data Type Description
time Timestamp
_user_id INT
analytics_version String
event_recorder String
event_time bigint
is_admin_request String
is_system_generated String
org_hostname String
platform String
results_count INT
search_query String
user_agent String
user_id INT Unique identifier of the user
platform_version_number String
event String Name of the event
org_id_s INT
record_insert_time String
impersonator_id String
yr String Event time year :Ex: 2020
month String Event time month. Ex: 03
day String Event time day. Ex: 2020-03-03
hour String
time_string String

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