SABA Integration

  • EdCast LXP platform uses generic SFTP connector with CSV file for SABA integration
  • Generic SFTP connector uses source transformation feature to transform different CSV formats
  • SABA support matrix
    • 5.5
      • Courses - Education & Development Courses
      • Curriculum - Education & Development Paths
    • Cloud
      • Courses - My Learning Courses
      • Curriculum My Learning Paths
  • SABA integration adds the courses,assignments and completions data to LXP
  • Smart Cards are created for Courses
  • Curriculum is represented as one card in LXP. Child Content will be displayed in SABA
  • SABA Generic SFTP connector supports detailed log monitoring through UI
  • Supports syncing up archived in courses in SABA with LXP
  • LXP synchronizes the courses, assignments and completions data from SABA once in a day (Recommended)

SABA 5.5 - Courses - CSV File Format

NameDescriptionSample Value
id● Unique Id for the Card
● If empty, then URL will be used as a unique identifier
titleTitle to be displayed on the cardQ3 2008 Core Sales (EMEA) Required Training
descriptionDescription to be displayed for the cardQ3 2008 Core Sales (EMEA) Required Training
image_url● The image to be displayed on the card.
● If empty, then source default image will be displayed.
● If the default image is also empty, then stock images will be displayed.
deep_link_urlThe URL to which the user will be navigated to when
he clicks on the card. This should point to the actual
keywordsWill be used as the tags. Multiple tags should be separated by the comma
readable_card_type● The Readable-Card-Type e.g. document to be displayed on the card. If blank, the card will
display "course" as the readable_card_type.
● default value also can be added from source_transformation
content_typeThe Content-Type of the card, If blank, then it will be considered "course" as the content typecourse
duration● The duration to be displayed on the card
● The format should be like hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
archiveIf the value here is "Y" or "y", the card will be archived
& no longer displayed to the users
archive_date● This value will be used only if the archive header is empty or not present in the given CSV file.
● A date after which course will be going to expire
● Date format should be in YYYY-MM-DD
● While processing CSV file if archive date < today's date then system will mark the course as archived otherwise no action will be taken.

SABA 5.5 - Courses - Source Transformation

Copy and paste the below value in source_transformation value while configuring SFTP source.


SABA 5.5 - Curriculum - CSV File Format

NameDescriptionSample Value
id● Unique Id for the Card
● If empty, then URL will be used as a unique identifier
titleTitle to be displayed on the cardQ3 2008 Core Sales (EMEA) Required Training
descriptionDescription to be displayed for the cardQ3 2008 Core Sales (EMEA) Required Training
image_url● The image to be displayed on the card.
● If empty, then source default image will be displayed.
● If the default image is also empty, then stock images will be displayed
deep_link_urlThe URL to which the user will be navigated to when he clicks on the card. This should point to the actual contenthttps://acme.sabacloud.com/Saba/Web_spf/PRODTNT091/common/ledetail/cours000000000357675
keywordsWill be used as the tags. Multiple tags should be separated by the comma
readable_card_type● The Readable-Card-Type e.g. document to be displayed on the card. If blank, the card will
display "course" as the readable_card_type
● default value also can be added from source_transformation
content_typeThe Content-Type of the card, If blank, then it will be considered "course" as the content type.course
duration● The duration to be displayed on the card
● The format should be like hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
archiveIf the value here is "Y" or "y", the card will be archived & no longer displayed to the usersY
archive_date● This value will be used only if the archive header is empty or not present in the given CSV file.
● A date after which course will be going to expire
● Date format should be in YYYY-MM-DD
● While processing CSV file if archive date < today's date then system will mark the course as archived otherwise no action will be taken.

SABA 5.5 - Curriculum - Source Transformation

Below value should be saved in source_transformation value while configuring SFTP source.


SABA Cloud - Courses - CSV File Format

NameDescriptionSample Value
course_course_id● Unique Id for the Card
● If empty, then URL will be used as a unique identifier
course_titleTitle to be displayed on the cardCustomer Care - Productive Case Management - Ownership
descriptionDescription to be displayed for the cardUtilize this training to help you increase customer experience, better.
image_url● The image to be displayed on the card.
● If empty, then source default image will be displayed.
● If the default image is also empty, then stock images will be displayed.
deeplinkThe URL to which the user will be navigated to when he clicks on the card. This should point to the actual contenthttps://acme.sabacloud.com/Saba/Web_spf/PRODTNT091/common/ledetail/cours000000000357675
course_keywordsWill be used as the tags. Multiple tags should be separated by the comma
readable_card_type● The Readable-Card-Type e.g. document to be displayed on the card. If blank, the card will display "course" as the readable_card_type
● default value also can be added from source_transformation
content_typeThe Content-Type of the card, If blank, then it will be considered "course" as the content typecourse
duration● The duration to be displayed on the card
● The format should be like hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
archiveIf the value here is "Y" or "y", the card will be archived & no longer displayed to the usersY
archive_date● This value will be used only if the archive header is empty or not present in the given CSV file.
● A date after which course will be going to expire
● Date format should be in YYYY-MM-DD
● While processing CSV file if archive date < today's date then system will mark the course as archived otherwise no action will be taken

SABA Cloud - Courses - Source Transformation

Below value should be saved in source_transformation value while configuring SFTP source.


SABA Cloud - Curriculum - CSV File Format

NameDescriptionSample Value
curriculum_id● Unique Id for the Card
● If empty, then URL will be used as a unique identifier
curriculum_nameTitle to be displayed on the cardQ3 2008 Core Sales (EMEA) Required Training
descriptionDescription to be displayed for the cardQ3 2008 Core Sales (EMEA) Required Training
image_url● The image to be displayed on the card.
● If empty, then source default image will be displayed.
● If the default image is also empty, then stock images will be displayed
deep_link_urlThe URL to which the user will be navigated to when he clicks on the card. This should point to the actual contenthttps://acme.sabacloud.com/Saba/Web_spf/PRODTNT091/common/ledetail/cours000000000357675
curricula_categoryWill be used as the tags. Multiple tags should be separated by the comma
readable_card_type● The Readable-Card-Type e.g. document to be displayed on the card. If blank, the card will
display "course" as the readable_card_type
● default value also can be added from source_transformation
content_typeThe Content-Type of the card, If blank, then it will be considered "course" as the content type.course
duration● The duration to be displayed on the card
● The format should be like hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
archiveIf the value here is "Y" or "y", the card will be archived & no longer displayed to the usersY
archive_date● This value will be used only if the archive header is empty or not present in the given CSV file.
● A date after which course will be going to expire
● Date format should be in YYYY-MM-DD
● While processing CSV file if archive date < today's date then system will mark the course
as archived otherwise no action will be taken

SABA Cloud - Curriculum - Source Transformation

Below value should be saved in source_transformation value while configuring SFTP source.


SABA Integrations - Monitoring Logs

Logs of SABA generic SFTP connector can be viewed/Downloaded from the LXP Integrations page


SABA Integration - Completions

  • SABA completions can be pushed to LXP using LRS SFTP connector
  • LRS SFTP connector runs once in a day and synchronizes the completion data for the users
  • CSV Attributes

actor_nameMap the EdCast LXP schema to customer’s
WorkDay schema
actor_idOrganization of the customer deployment
object_idThe option enables the WorkDay connector

  • We will updating the configuration of the source(SFTP LRS) to include new fields - This helps us determine which source this completion is for and mapping for identifying the user (i.e. Custom Field to User Id).

  • We will be looking up the content with object_id provided to get URL of the content.
    • If Content is found in ECL database we will push with URL from the content item.
    • If Content is not found in ECL database we will push to LRS with object_id.
  • We will be looking up user id depending upon the mapping provided in the source_configuration.
    • If User is found in LXP database we will push the statement into LRS.
    • If User is not found in LXP database we will not be pushing the statement into our LRS.
  • Then we will be pushing the data into LRS

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