

Cornerstone On Demand (CSOD) - UPDATE

  • Prior integrations were API based which were limited by:
    • CSOD APIs provided version level course information
      • Resulted in duplicate content being surface on the LXP - Each version is a different card
    • CSOD APIs provided version level deep link URL
    • CSOD APIs did not enable us to extract data within a time frame hence - we had to sync the whole catalog every time - which resulted in infrequent updates and lengthy syncing process
    • CSOD APIs did not provide a clear way to identify if a course has been “deactivated” on their platform - hence we could not archive any courses that we pulled in from the CSOD
  • Based on consultation with CSOD, we are solving these issues by converting our integrations to be CSV based instead

Cornerstone On Demand (CSOD)

  • CSOD new connectors are based on CSV files
  • The customer must generate custom reports on CSOD and export them on a daily basis to an SFTP folder on CSOD, based on EdCast defined format
  • Our connectors connect to the SFTP folder on the CSOD servers – read the catalog and transcript reports
    • Catalog (current capability)
    • Assignments & completions (current capability)
    • And withdrawals as well (planned)
  • The catalog will give us each version of a course independently but the launch URL will be at the course level
  • When we receive the each version of a course – we check if we already have a previous version by calling an API on CSOD to give us the older version of the same course and update the links
    - We will always make sure that there is only one version available – no duplicate cards are
  • The launch URL will take the user to the course page – that CSOD automatically resolves to the right version for that specific user
  • Transcripts - when a user gets assigned a course or completes a course we get the details from CSOD at a version level
    - We perform a basic look up in our DB - Does this version of the course exist in our
    environment as a card?
    - If yes - we create the assignments or completions against that card
    - If no, we call CSOD API to give us all the related versions for this assignment or completion and
    look up these different versions if they exist in our DB - Does any version of this course exist in our
    environment as a card?
    - If yes, then we update the assignment or completions against that card
    - If no, we ignore it. Since this course has not been imported in the platform

CornerStone Connector

CornerStone Connector can be configured from LXP Admin Console -> Content -> LMS Integrations

CornerStone Connector - Configuration Parameters

NameDescriptionSample Value
server_ipSftp host name to be procured from
server_usernameSftp username to be procured from customerusername
passwordPassword to be procured from customeradmin123
folderCatalog sftp folder path to be procured from customer/Edcast/csod/sandbox/catalog
completions_folderCompletions sftp folder path to be procured from customer/Edcast/csod/sandbox/completions
organizations_lms_hostTo be procured by customer from CSODorg-pilot
api_keyTo be procured by customer from CSOD155g5i684te2w
api_secretTo be procured by customer from CSODiKOOF2ODFVx5+4Jcmyz6j3teXj
usernameTo be procured by customer from CSODsoapadmin
custom_lms_user_keyCustom Field in edcast to store the CSOD Id of the usercsod_id
organization_lms_sso_urlTo be procured by customer from CSODhttps://org-
odata_enabledTo be set as truetrue
enable_versioningTo be set as truetrue
processed_completions_folderProcessed completions sftp folder path to be procured from customer/Edcast/csod/sandbox/processe
processed_catalog_folderCatelog completions sftp folder path to be procured from customer/Edcast/csod/sandbox/processe

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